Out and About with Kids: A day at the zoo
Even though we have an annual membership to the zoo we tend to visit rather infrequently. Although I like the idea of my child being able to see animals he might not normally see, I oftentimes leave the zoo with mixed emotions. On some visits all the animals are sleeping and I always worry they are depressed or unhappy living in such cramp quarters. About a month ago, we visited the zoo and had a fun filled afternoon watching many active and seemingly happy animals. The penguins and hippos were the highlight of the day, but riding the carousel is always Jasper's favorite part.
Every time Jasper came around he was smiling and waving so big I would have left him ride it ten more times had he asked. I'm a sucker for anything which makes my child endlessly happy.
I like watching the seasons change at the zoo, in particular what new flowers and plants come onto the scene.
I have never seen the inside of a hippo's mouth for such a long period of time. This hippo was very thirsty and kept his mouth open for at least three or four minutes. It reminded me of my childhood favorite game- Hungry Hippos.